Please pray

Our dear friends Mark (Rob's best man) and Kate are in the hospital (bouncing between the OB Special Care and Labor and Delivery floors) desperately trying to postpone the birth of their twin boys (currently 24 weeks and 2 days old). The doctors are having an increasingly difficult time stopping Kate's contractions and keeping Kate from having BP problems. They have been through so much in the past week, and I just pray that God continues to give them faith and embrace both of them as well as their baby boys.


Anonymous Monday, March 23, 2009 4:18:00 PM  

Already started praying. :o/
Keep us updated.


Mindy Tuesday, March 24, 2009 7:33:00 AM  

they're in my prayers...

Michelle and Scott Thursday, March 26, 2009 3:52:00 PM  

Absolutely they are in my thoughts and prayers. I can completely understand the utter fear and swing of emotions they must be going through. I delivered triplets at the end of January at 22 weeks and they lived for 3 hours before passing away. I will continue to pray for these people.

(photograph by Tina Vink, link on picture as well as below)
We are a busy family of five! I enjoy time with my husband and kids, running, being outdoors, shopping for deals, and cuddling. My wonderful husband keeps busy playing with the kiddos, hunting, fishing, exercising and working on projects around the house. Madisyn is six, in 1st grade, loves being outdoors and isn't one bit afraid of bugs or worms! Landon is four, a spitting image of Daddy, and is the sweetest, naughtiest and funniest little boy, all in one! Tinley was born February 24, 2012 and has already blessed us beyond belief! Here's a glimpse into our crazy and wonderful lives... hope you enjoy!

Tiece of Cake

I've finally decided to make a blog (Tiece of cake) dedicated to cakes... as to not consume the family blog.

(photograph by Mindy Leigh Photography, link on picture as well as below)

Madisyn Grace

Madisyn Grace
"Baby" & "M" (photograph by Melissa @ M Design and Photography, link on picture as well as below)

Landon Adrian

Landon Adrian
"LD" & "Bubba" (photograph by Melissa @ M Design and Photography, link on picture as well as below)