So I realize that I have been extraordinarily delinquent in posting. I apologize to the couple of you that look for updates. There really is a 'good' reason for the absence, but I'll post more on that at another time.
LD had his two-year check up last month. Pretty much everything went well, except I got a speech (a kind one from the nicest pediatrician I've ever met) regarding Landon's obesity. Strange? Yes, I thought so. Here's the synopsis:
- No juice
- Only fruits and vegetables for snack (I even asked about wheat saltines, but only foods that are not processed are preferred)
- Skim milk (now that he's two)
Apparently he was in the 90% for weight and 50% for height (our pediatrician rounds, which drives me crazy being math oriented). I thought this was strange as well (the percentiles, not the rounding). I have no doubt that he's chubby (as noted by his extremely adorable XW feet), but he seems tall and not overly obese to me. I mentioned to the doctor that his height measurement may have been off since he ran away from the wall when the nurse was measuring him. We then decided it would be best to remeasure, so that we are sure about where we stand. Upon remeasurement, we found out that the previous measurement was 1 1/4" short! That's a lot on a two-year old.
Needless to say, an internet calculator put him at 83% for weight and 74% for height... after all that, I'm not too concerned.
Here's the breakdown at 25 months (more for my benefit than yours ;) )
31 1/2 lbs.
35 3/4 in.
Oh... and as noted by the pictures, now that he is a 'big boy,' he gets to enjoy the privaledge of sleeping in a toddler bed until we get his big bed repainted. He absolutely loves it!
How to Discipline Your Mom
10 years ago
OBESE!? excuse me doctor ... that is ridiculous. Landon looks perfectly normal. First of all, toddlers should have a little chub on them, second of all, the amount of baby fat Landon still has is so minimal, I would never look at him and think he needs to go on a diet!!! In fact when I was over Saturday I thought he looked super slim! That actually gets me a little fired up, esp. since I also have kids who are above "average" size (Dutch genes, much?). I'd keep feeding him exactly how you normally do.. obese? That is insane. Seriously. RAWR! okay I'm done :).
I can't believe they said he was obese! Apparently they never met Adri at that age. She was always off the chart with weight; and not once did anyone say anything to me! I love the pictures. You have such a beautiful family!
~Beth DeWaal
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