Florida (pictures galore)

We had a fantastic Spring Break with Rob's side of the family (Dad, Mom, Dave, Kate, Joshua and Levi)! We were fortunate that Rob had enough frequent flier miles for us to fly down there and meet up with the rest of the family. Of course, the kids thought the plane rides were great!

Arrived at the Pensacola airport

The view from outside the house we stayed at... You can see the land across the Sound (we were on a beautiful island just south of the panhandle). Because we were on the Sound side, it was much quieter, there wasn't an undertow, the sand was gorgeous, the water was shallow and the it felt more like fresh water than salt water... it was really perfect!

This stingray was right on our beach!

The Golf was a short walk across the island.

Although we missed out on the Blue Angels practice due to cloudy skies, we had a good time at the Air Force Base in Pensacola and even ran into Madisyn's teacher!


Anonymous Friday, May 28, 2010 8:41:00 PM  

Hi Leticia.

My daughter is graduating this year and loves your cakes online. I told ther that you're not really doing them anymore, but she wanted me to MAKE SURE :) that you're not.

Please let me know.

Thank you!


(photograph by Tina Vink, link on picture as well as below)
We are a busy family of five! I enjoy time with my husband and kids, running, being outdoors, shopping for deals, and cuddling. My wonderful husband keeps busy playing with the kiddos, hunting, fishing, exercising and working on projects around the house. Madisyn is six, in 1st grade, loves being outdoors and isn't one bit afraid of bugs or worms! Landon is four, a spitting image of Daddy, and is the sweetest, naughtiest and funniest little boy, all in one! Tinley was born February 24, 2012 and has already blessed us beyond belief! Here's a glimpse into our crazy and wonderful lives... hope you enjoy!

Tiece of Cake

I've finally decided to make a blog (Tiece of cake) dedicated to cakes... as to not consume the family blog.

(photograph by Mindy Leigh Photography, link on picture as well as below)

Madisyn Grace

Madisyn Grace
"Baby" & "M" (photograph by Melissa @ M Design and Photography, link on picture as well as below)

Landon Adrian

Landon Adrian
"LD" & "Bubba" (photograph by Melissa @ M Design and Photography, link on picture as well as below)